Tag Archives: Gifting

Hape Toys Perfect for the Holidays

23 Nov

Hi folks,

Everything seems to be getting very festive everywhere, which can mean only one thing… Christmas is almost here! So I’m guessing that a lot of you are now in panic buying mode. It can be a bit stressful trying to find those perfect gifts. Well… I have a lovely little review for you, all about Hape.

If you’re not familiar with Hape; they are the world’s largest producer of wooden toys. I always think wooden toys have a certain charm. They create that warm, fuzzy nostalgic feeling. And with such a well known brand – you know you’re always going to get good quality, well made products.

The toys that we’ve been playing with, sorry I mean ‘reviewing’ lol, are The Walk-A-Long Snail & the lovely little Red Mini Van. As you can see from the pic above – Seth simply could not wait to get stuck in.

Seth absolutely adores a walk-a-long toy. He’s had so much fun dragging this around the house. The lovely Walk-A-Snail has lots of fun aspects to it. The shell lifts away from the wheels/body & becomes an independent shape sorter. The wood is lovely & smooth & painted in beautiful vibrant colours. The shapes themselves are the perfect size & shape for little hands to grab hold of. Seth will sit & play with a shape sorter pretty much all day. With all of the different elements… wobbly antennas, wheels, bobbing head, shape sorter, etc… this toy would make any little one a fabulous Christmas gift. It’s almost like several toys all in one. It comes in a lovely box too, making it easy to wrap! Now that’s always something I look at when buying gifts… will it be easy to wrap? Lol. I mean we all know a nice box is easier to wrap.

The Mini Van would make a perfect stocking filler. Seth has loved exploring the shape & the design of the van… then propelling it at top speed along the sitting room floor lol. The slimline rounded shape is perfect for little hands to be able to grab hold of. It’s also nice & light, so it’s great for popping in Seth’s back pack for when we’re out & about. Seth always needs to take a toy wherever we go. Also, with it being wooden & rather robust, it can handle knocks & being launched from one end of the room to the other. Robust toys are essential with toddlers!

Hape really do make some lovely things, they’d make any little one a beautiful gift or stocking filler.

Thanks so much for reading & happy shopping!

Love & Huggles,

Hayley xxx